Wednesday 1 May 2013

Political Mambo Jambo

Five year has gone by so quickly, it is time again for the election. More opportunity for people to misuse power of social media. Yippee! Hmm what opinions do I have or who am I going to vote for? Well personally to me everyone has their own views on how a country should be run or who is their ideal party. But does that mean that I am going to get all white female on people who do not vote the same party as me or agree with their opinions on political issues. I think that this is not the 1960s where you can hold a gun to someone's head and tell them LIKE ME!

I do not hold any grudges on people who have different views from me, WHY?? because this is a free country everyone have their own free will to vote who they wish, who they like be it wrong or right. I actually had this incident where a friend got upset over something one of her friend posted on Facebook which i clearly do not think it is a big issue. The girl simply posted Good morning Malaysia :) below are the current number of votes. I merely said to this friend of mine you called that a comment? And she went all Godzilla on me implicating that I am blind that I cannot see the hidden meaning to it. 

So what if there is a hidden meaning to it, does that give her the right to be mean to me when i am merely trying to be rational and objective?? I do not like how the difference of views has make us turned on each other. They also tend to anti people who do not agree with them. What century are we living in?? This is the 21st century for crying out loud, you do not bully people just because they do not suck your balls. 

Furthermore, people who knows me well enough knows that my opinions cannot be bought. I have a mouth like a laser and I do not waste my time lying or saying things to make you feel good about yourself. You want the truth you ask me, if you want me to suck up to you please go find some other loser to lick you balls because I will not do it. I guess in politics it not only tests your morale views but also the friendships that you have how strong or how feeble it is. 

After all the drama smamas, it reminds me of the 3 of you and how glad I am that you 4 have always been a true friend to me; Ms D, Ms Cheah and Mr Wood. I couldn't possibly have asked for anyone better. You 3 have always appreciated my views be it right or be it wrong or even if I am way off in the Universe somewhere and not kill me because of how different or shall i say ALIEN I am. Even though we are apart and do not always agree with each other but deep down i know that you will always have my back and that is much much more than I could have ever ask for in a friend. I am glad to have met you three and worked with you three. Given a choice all over again to choose to work with you guys or some other place, I would have chose working with you guys in a heart beat and I wouldn't change that for the world. Hmm maybe for Robert Pattinson I will ;)  Ohh come on Robert Pattinson you know, I would have given up my kidney for him too. . . .

And never forget Chengs, he may not always be there for me but I know hes there for me in spirit. Although if i were to commit suicide and jump off the 56th floor i would not suggest calling him for he shall not answer your message or call until you are found squashed dead on the floor a week later. I am however glad that he has been my friend for the past 6 years going through ups and downs with me. He knows all my crap and has never use anything back against me.

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