Saturday 28 September 2013

Animal Cruelty & Recycling

Animal Cruelty

I know this topic has been highlighted many times in the papers and over the Web, but i'm wondering why is it still happening. Has the human race grown so emotionless, heartless and cruel after all these years or they simply just lack the capacity to care or love anything but themself? I'm speaking on the recent video of 3 Filipino girls stomping on the poor defenseless puppy to death. How can any living person do such a thing, worst video tape it and publish it all over social media like it was nothing. Only sickos will be excited by bitched torturing animals like that. I can understand why they are fearless because nobody cares about animal cruelty, nobody gives a damn, sure people will comment screw them, hope they die in hell but what action has been taken to apprehend these people especially by the authorities? And even if the authorities take action, they will only be fine a tiny amount which they can just pay off and forget about it the next day. Even though it's an animal it still has feelings and should be treated with utmost respect. I'm not saying that i'm a saint or i become a full vegetarian, but at the very least I have the basic understanding of caring for animals, I eat only chicken & pork and duck occasionally; any other meat I will not touch. Consider it as i'm trying my very best to hurt as little poultry as possible.

I have watched a video of China girls using a glass pane to crush a bunny and then sit on it till blood ooze from its mouth (which I so very much regret watching). I was in tears and rage consumed me at the end of the video, if I was in front of those girls I would have protected the bunny (call me crazy). How can any girl commit such a thing even though there are much worst things happening in the world and people should be more concern about things like rape, murder, robbery. Imagine if one can do this to an animal, how long do you think it will take before they move on to human? It is all about education and one's conscience. I grew up with my mom for 27 years, and believe me she hates animals (not torture them), she just dislikes them because they are filthy, she wouldn't even touch them. I came out entirely different (which I wonder why), I love animals very much, I used to rare rabbits but my last bunny died because he got sick, my mom didn't allow me to rare any more pets as she wants to keep the house clean. I agreed with her because currently my job takes a lot of my time and I wouldn't have time to company my bunny. I care more for animals than I do for humans because animals don't have the voice to defend themselves while humans can therefore I think that animals deserve my compassion more than humans. My conscience will never let me harm any animal intentionally or allow me to neglect them. If I have a pet I will make sure that I take care of it properly, I do not understand all these people are so lucky to be able to rare pets but yet they still abandon their pets. How i know this? I volunteer at Paws and every week I go I see more and more dogs never lesser. I have my fair share of dogs trying to chomp off my face but I don't hit them.

I hope that people will understand more on animal cruelty and together put a stop it. Don't torture stray dogs also, they are crazy because of us people who abandon them, people who hurt them. I know many people know what i'm talking about; if so why is it still happening, why are there so many abandon pets at the shelter or prowling around the streets like Superman hunting for criminals. Each of us do what we can and the world will be a much better place. If you don't like animals that's fine just don't torture them. 


Another issue is recycling, I understand that everything is about profit and convenience so people really don't care to recycle. I go shopping I see people carrying bags on the left hand bags on the right hand, they can actually combine all and only take one bag, why waste? I often scold my dad for taking plastic bags but he tells me haiya just take la (this is the typical thinking of almost all people). I recycle what I can, I carry around my recycle bag and on those shopping days when I know I am going to buy a lot of things I bring 2 big recycle bags. This is call anticipation. When I take away nasi lemak at the stall, I do not allow the seller to give me plastic bag or plastic spoon. Even if I didn't have my recycle bag with me, I will always find a spot in my handbag to put it it; or my recycle bag which is cramped with my jacket and make up kit; so what if my jacket gets dirty (it's black by the way). I even carried the shoe box that I just purchased across the shopping mall because I forgotten to bring my bag. No I'm not crazy, my conscience just wouldn't let me waste plastic bag like that. 

There was once I was queuing at the counter waiting for my turn to pay, this aunty holding a recycle bag (I like her), purchased a couple of bottle she handed the recycle bag to the cashier, cashier lady helped her put in the bag. I'm impressed until she asked the lady to put an extra plastic bag outside the recycle bag for support. WERT!!!!! What's the point of using recycle bag if you are going to waste plastic anyway (I don't like her anymore). Believe me I have been forced by food sellers to take plastic bag even after I told them I don't want. What is wrong with all these people, i'm trying to save the planet so get off my face please. You know what I do, I remove the plastic and put back on the table and I tell the seller I don't want the plastic. Some people actually looked at me like I have just committed a crime; but who cares hopefully people will see what i do and follow. If I always bother about how people look at me I would be a very pathetic person to allow these strangers to influence me. There is no shame in recycling, I am proud of myself because I am doing what it takes to save the planet and they are not. I do believe that mother earth will one day come and wipe us all out for what we did to her and no that is not why I recycle. I an only human doing what I can. One person can't make a different but together we can. 

I do hope that people have more awareness in recycling and only take and buy what is necessary. Despite how my mom and dad are, I grew up different from them so influence is not an issue. This does not refer to anyone in particular so do not get upset.

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