Tuesday 26 August 2014

I/We Choose to Care about Animals

I was on half day leave driving to work till I come across a dog with its head still up on the side of NPE fast lane (I was driving at least 140/kmj), I almost hit the poor dog. By the time i reach the second toll I was already in tears and I know in my heart I have to turn back to help it. But due to my strict work I was hesitating on whether to take a left turn or a right and head straight for work. I thought fuck my work, I texted my manager who thankfully was very understanding and didn't think I was cooking some lie. 

Being a Malaysian, I am no good with roads especially KL. I took the left turn trying to look for a place to turn around. I can't remember where exactly I saw the dog so I turn here turn there and ended up at Jalan Gasing. I drove slowly trying to might have rescued him. But then again he is on the fast lane so possibly not. It's almost an hour since I spotted him, I was really afraid that some car might run him over. Since I'm already late for work I decided to try again. I went all the way back to Subang and took NPE again this time driving even slower, I found him just after the first toll coming down the flyover. I'm in the middle lane driving super slow, thinking what to do, how am I going to stop on the fast lane.

Cars were zooming really fast, I was waiting for my chance and Bamm I cut all the way to the right and stopped. Too bad I stopped a little too front from the dog, I tried reversing BUT cars were coming really fast. One car even flashed me then drove beside me just to give me 'The Look'. Luckily me being a girl i pretended to be fidgeting here and there like I don't know what I'm doing so he drove off. I have 5 seconds to react; I ran to the dog lift him up with all my might and carried him back all the way to my car and put him on the back seat. The road workers signaled me to quickly move as I might cause an accident. In the midst of all this my car decided not to start. I was freaking out turning the key a couple of times and finally manage to get the car started. I called my colleague to asked for their help to look for a vet. 

Driving halfway I noticed something big at the side of my seat, I thought it could be a dust ball or something then it moved. I freaked out. It's a tick and it's not like any I have ever seen. It's huge and grey. My goosebumps got goosebumps! I quickly look for the Vet. Once I arrive, I used the tissue to throw the ticks out of my car. One of the staff assisted me to carry the dog into the room. First question The Dr asked am I going to take back the dog if he treats it? I said I can't Dr even if i want to. Dr said if you are not going to take it then there is no point treating him. I said how about treating him then dropping him off at SPCA so someone can adopt him. He said that is if someone adopt him if not he'll still be put down and the dog is in a bad shape. His leg is fractured, butt grazed from the road by the vehicle that hit him and covered in ticks. He suggested me to put it down as it's the best option. Dr says I'm very lucky because the dog is in so much pain that when I picked him up he could have just take a bite at me and picking up strays from roadside is dangerous as I don't know what disease it might have.

I seriously cannot decide so I called my friend who gave me the numbers of a couple of society for animals. I manage to get in touch with one of them. She was of course very rude on the phone insisting that I treat the dog first and worry about other things later. I asked her are you going to come and treat the dog then? I sure hell can't fork out that much money. We were arguing like cats and dogs over the phone even though we have never met. The Dr was rushing me to make a decision as he has other patients to attend to and I'm also very late for work. 
Believe me this is no easy decision to make I asked the Dr to put the poor little dog to sleep and cremate him properly.

The lady called me again yelling on top of her voice. I told her what the Dr suggested and she said NO and to bring the dog somewhere else to a Vet that will treat the dog. I said I did my best to help the dog and I don't have the time to go around driving just to find a Vet who will do a free job. She herself refuse to come pick the dog and kept forcing me to do what she wants. I hung up the phone. I told the Dr to go ahead, he felt bad seeing me cry so he gave me a little pep talk. He said don't let them do this to you, you did your best. He also told me other things about them owing a lot of money and not paying the vets back which I cannot reveal since he told me in confidence.

I look like shit; eyes red teary, dress bloody. Then the woman called again. I told her that the dog has been put to sleep so no point arguing about it now. Of course she refuse to let it go, she continued to lecture and lecture and lecture so I hung up the phone since she was yelling my ears off and telling me to listen to her. Then she text me this. 

It's not easy for me especially after going through all the trouble to save the dog only to put it down. Sometimes doing something good might not necessarily give you the outcome you seek. I felt very sad but not because of the crazy lady but for the dog. I prayed that it will be in a better place. It's already 4pm, I drove to the car wash and got them to vacuum my whole car just in case I missed out any ticks. They even helped me to wash the blood on my mats and seat. I still went to work looking like this:

Some people might think I'm crazy or heartless but at least my conscience is clear and I did my best to help. Like I said you do not always get the outcome you want from doing something good but don't let it stop you from doing it. 

On another occasion, I arrived at Paws then I saw this thing flapping in the drain, it was a birdie. I was afraid that it might drown so I informed the staff there and all of us tried so long just to get it out of the drain. It went under the concrete and we could not see it. It took us a really long time. I am thankful that everyone was determine and helpful.

Poor thing was shivering so I covered him with a towel. I rinse him under the tap (the drain is filthy and smelly).

Uncle fed him rice but birdie decided to close him eyes.

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