Wednesday 26 March 2014

Prague @ Czech Republic

Taking the bus to Prague. 6 hours. Kill my pleaseeeee...

Luckily they have movies on board.

We have arrived.

Checked in the hotel.

Wenceslas Square.

Wenceslas Square.

Surprised to see a chinese restaurant here.

I miss Asian food :/ but no way i'm having Asian food here. 

The School of St. Stephen's @ Stepanska.

St. Wenceslas Na Zderaze @ New Town Resslova.

Dancing Square @ Square Jiraskovo.

Jiraskovo Square.

Aww the sheep is so cute.

Vlatava River.

Vlatava River.

Pwetty tree.

Potten & Pannen Cook Store @ Vodickova.

I want that. 

Finally. We were walking around moneyless :/

Aiya why so jeng the car.

Hot dog again :/

We just had to toy with the statue :P

Continue to food hunt.

Found this nice looking cafe.

The cafe provides blanket to cover yourself. It does get windy at times.

Latte Macchiato ~ Pleasant.

Got charged 25 Czech for that butter :/

Spaghetti Aglio Olio ~ Louzy very dry & spicy. 

Service at Cafeteria Liberty was real shitty. The waitress was busy flirting with KN. She went and talked to him but when i asked her for something she gave me that look! No i'm not jealous it's just too obvious. Bias! When she was handing our change of 100 Czech, she said here is your change 50 Czech and 50 Czech for my tip is that okay? "The Man said okay. I was like WTF!!! She just rewarded herself for giving shitty service to me and by flirting. I should incorporate that when i service my client next time. 

I want my Robert Pattinson and beautiful hair begins with him.

Boscolo Hotels @ Senovazne Namesti.

Municipal House @ Namesti Republiky.

Ooo very beautiful, makes you want to get married right away just to be able to wear the gorgeous dresses.

The Powder Tower: Gothic Tower @  Namesti Republiky.

Ovocny Trh Street.

I wanna be a police :)

The shop is selling toys people use for Halloween and some other prank toys. We did not proceed downstairs to see the Museum of Torture.

The Chocolate Museum @ Celetna.

Classy door.

Old Town Square @ Staromestske Namesti.

Old Town Square @ Staromestske Namesti.

Old Town Square @ Staromestske Namesti.

Prague Astronomical Clock @ Staromestske Namesti.

Praga Caput Regni.

Church of our Lady before Tyn @ Staromestske Namesti.

Church of our Lady before Tyn @ Staromestske Namesti.

Church of our Lady before Tyn @ Staromestske Namesti.

Church of our Lady before Tyn @ Staromestske Namesti.

Male Namesti.

Do you want a lap dance ;)

Super cool, you can put your face in the crystal.

Super cool, you can put your face in the crystal.

Old Town Bridge Tower @ Karluv Most.

Helo baby :)

Gorgeous view on Charles Bridge @ Vltava River.

Statues of Saints Barbara, Margaret and Elizabeth @ Charles Bridge.

Statuary of the Holy Crucifix and Calvary @ Charles Bridge.

Stunning view at Charles Bridge @ Vltava River.

Stunning view on Charles Bridge @ Vltava River.

Spectacular view on Charles Bridge @ Vltava River. Pretty clouds :)

Reaching the end of the bridge.

Very expensive lamp.

Mostecka 3 Street.

I can't remember where this small shop is located. I was checking out the wide range of pizzas while Andrew ordered his sausage. After paying and getting his sausage, Andrew asked the chef if he could have some sauce. The chef replied very rudely "Next time tell me one shot what do you want instead of wasting my time, I have a lot of work to do". Well hearing that it stopped me immediately from wanting to order anything and I walked out. I heard and read much about rude and bad service in Prague, now i know what they mean.

I settled for Subway instead. Subway @ Mala Strana.

Lipton Ice Green Tea ~ Mixture of lemon & green tea. Strange combination but somehow drinkable :/

Turkey Ham with Hearty Italian Bread ~ Taste the same as back in Malaysia.  Subway sandwiches are good but due to the conversion it is more expensive here. Almost RM20. 

Back to exploring. 

Weed Lollipop. Now that is something you don't see everyday. 

What's that dude doing? Let's take a closer look.

Sucking on the lollipop.

If it's not because he is a guy he actually reminds me of a prostitute fishing for her next prey.

They have Bubble Beer. 

Homemade Italian Ice Cream.

Ohh man I just can't resist but i'm feeling so cold.

Tiramisu ~ Very good and smooth. I didn't shiver all over like i expected. I wonder why? Maybe I should get a couple more eiii ;)

Main entrance to Prague Castle @ Hradcany Square.

Castle Square @ Hradcany Square.

British Embassy @ Thunovska 14.

Amour Hotel Residence @ Malostranske Namesti 266/5.

Malostranske Namesti 28.

Pilsner Urquell.

Cappuccino ~ Too bitter.

Heading back to the hotel to rest then out again.

Night view is absolutely beautiful.

Many artist selling their piece. 

He can play 3 instruments at once. *Clap Clap*

Old Town Bridge Tower @ Karluv Most.

Old Town Bridge Tower @ Karluv most

Old Town Bridge Tower @ Karluv Most

Here for Absinth @ Absintherie, Frankz Kafka Square. 

Water to go with the Absinth.

Maccerated Absinth: King of Spirits 70% ~ My nose & throat is on fire when i took a sip.

Passed by a supermarket selling Absinth. Absinth is illegal in many places because of it's high alcohol content. 

Will i fly to the moon if i drink this?

How come the smoking pipes look like dildo. Lol.

Setting up for some show.


Dinner @ Kolkovna, V Kolkovne 8.

 Velkopopovicky Koze @ Kolkovna, V Kolkovne 8

Starocech 500g ~ Absolutely delicious the pork, duck, sausages, dumpling, potato all very good. The best dish I had so far :)

Statue of Jan Hus @ Old Town Square.

We don't have this model in Malaysia.

Very gorgeous crystal. Am sure it cost a fortune.

Aston Martin.

So adorable, one super tiny puppy another huge puppy. 

Checking out Havel's Market @ Havelska 13.

Hello Kitty & Angry Bird drink.

Divotutelarl Clientum @ Martinska 359/3.

Brunchie @ The Bridge Restaurant.

Facing the Vltava River.

Hot Chocolate ~ Yummylicious @ The Bridge Restaurant.

Beer @ The Bridge Restaurant.

Chicken Chop ~ Not bad @ The Bridge Restaurant

We were sitting outside there is no shade or roof to shield us from the sun. It shines every now and then but can be very blinding when it does. We asked for the bill, it was handwritten, we didn't not really think of anything so we just paid. While walking i took a look at the bill and I specifically remembered that my drink was 55 Czech, but the bill stated 80. I'm not sure if it was a mistake. I heard of the many rumors of such dishonesty such as waitress will charge you for things that you do not order in the bill. And since most people do not check their bill, they get away with it. 

My mom has been to Prague before and she warned me of this too. She ordered one bottle of wine but somehow she was charged for 2. She didn't make any noise as it was unfamiliar territory. This happen to her more than once.

Ice Pub. I took a little peek, everything is in ice, you must be wondering how you are going to drink without freezing to death? I saw some of the patrons wearing huge coats. Those must be what keep them warm. 

Croissant ~ Very nice @ Au Gourmand, Dlouha 10.

 Chocolate Macaroon & Chocolate Mousse ~ Cake is good, macaroon a little too sweet @ Au Gourmand, Dlouha 10.

I feel bad bothering the two from smooching. 

Now that they are gone I can take a proper picture. I just realize that it's a naked statue with boobies. 

Ohnoo poor sweetheart cannot enter.

Kotva Department Store @ Namesti Republiky 8.

Kotva Department Store @ Namesti Republiky 8.

Many legs up.

Haha like taking leong cha. 

Svarak: Mulled Wine ~ Wine is served hot. Taste like red wine mixed with ginseng. I wanna scrub my tongue with the toilet brush. Eek..

Massive selection of shoes at Footlocker.

Municipal House @ Namesti Republiky.

Prague Stock Exchange @ Rybna 14.

Hotel Josef @ Rybna 12. Fancy.

Dinner @ Lokal, Dlouha 731/33. 

Dinner @ Lokal, Dlouha 731/33. 

Illuminated drawings on the wall. 

How many can you drink?

Roast Pork Neck with Steamed Cabbage ~ Not too bad. 

Prague Beer Museum @ Dlouha 720/46.

Velen (Wheat Beer): Fermented golden amber English style beer with medium sized creamy head, bouquet of malt, and grass.

Demon (Amber Lager): Sweet caramel flavor and a sweet bouquet. 

Baronka (Special Pale Lager) ~ This special pale lager tastes of hay and hazelnut and has a slight honey aftertaste. 

Cool number plate.

Clubbing @ Karlovy Lazne, Smetanovo Nabrezi 198/1.

A fee to keep your coat.

It would be awesome if it was a sexy girl dancing.

Hip Hop section is crowded.

Drinks anyone?

Chill for a bit before heading to the floor.

Nais :D

Let's take a closer look :D

Walking back to the hotel & came across this shop; I want the gloves :/

Makes you just wanna buy all of them home if money weren't an issue.

Prague Astronomical Clock in night view @ Staromestske Namesti.

Casino Kartac @ Na Prikope 10.


Chicken Nuggets ~ I don't like this. Doesn't taste like chicken at all. 

5 hours ride via train back to Munich.
Dear backside u r going to get bigger :/

I would say that Prague is another beautiful city that you must visit but be warned the people there can be a bit nasty and tend to cheat you. Make sure what they charge you is the same as stated in the menu. But then again would you dare to voice out if you caught it?? It doesn't happen to everyone though so don't worry too much and enjoy yourself. I know I did ;)


  1. The cafe you write about is where my gf works and I really doubt she flirts with anyone else but me. She just can't stand superficial girls who consider themselves a princess and request all the attention, with all those poses and selfies in front of a shop window. It might work to you in Asia but not in Europe lady

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    Your gf must be thrilled that you are standing up for her. There were no selfies taken just pictures of food so I guess its best if you get your facts right. Were you actually there? Then I doubt you can comment. I admire your confidence that she only flirts with you ;)

    And i'm not asking for all attention but it's just too obvious that she only takes care of the guy and not girl. If I were you I would be worried. But then again you wouldn't have anything to worry about since she only flirts with you.
