Saturday 16 August 2014

Money Borrowers >> Annoying Much??

I am pretty sure most of you have encountered this problem where your friend is short on cash and asked if you could pay first and promise to pay you back but never does or takes forever to pay you back. Do you think it's okay since you are friends or besties probably makes them think it's all right to hold your money hostage for as long as they please.... The answer is... 

Wait for it....

Wait for it........

I don't think it's all right to borrow someone's money and not pay back regardless of what relationship you are in; be it father, mother, son, friends, besties, your partner, your pet (if it can). If you would like to borrow then please make sure you pay back on time and don't make people chase you like a blardee dog chasing after a bone (No offence doggies - you know i love you). People are already doing you a favor by taking their own money and lending it to you, for all you know that person could be using that money to yum cha or eat his/her favorite food but he/she chose to lend to you. If you can't pay back at least have the decency to inform the poor soul that you are short on cash or your car tyre punctured or you need to repaint your house or you need to buy ciggies or you need to buy food for your grandma and you are unable to return the money within this week and if you could have an extension of say a month. This is equally annoying but at least you inform your poor friend who is waiting for the money and thinking should i ask?? Probably he/she forgotten, but if i ask it would seem like i'm a cheapo?

Is it okay if it's only RM10 or RM20 or a pathetic amount like RM2???

Wait for it....

Wait for it........

Wait for it.............

Money is money regardless the amount. For example if your friend is a constant borrower if you total it up it's gonna be RM10/RM20/RM200. Let's say if your friend has financial issues or is poor should you help? In this case it's really up to you, if you do not mind helping then go ahead but be prepared to not ever get your money back. If you do, it will be a lifetime from now. So just tell yourself you've donated to charity and make yourself feel better.

I personally never liked lending/borrowing money because it divides people. If I borrow I make sure i pay on time, if I can't pay i inform the person who lend me as a courtesy. Some of you must think i'm stingy, crazy, and calculative, well think all you want because i'm sure some of you who experienced the same thing feels the same. You just don't mouth it out like I did. I'll explain further below with my real experiences, hopefully you'll understand why i'm so annoyed by money borrowers. GRRR!!! ROARRRR!

I have this friend, let's call him A, close friend of mine, stingy like F***, self centered like F***. Been friends with A many years, all the time A never drives, whenever we go somewhere A always ask me to pick him up. I don't mind if A's house is in my neighborhood or close to me, to get to A I need to cross a toll and go out of my way which is inconvenient but I still do it. If you are a sensible person wouldn't you offer to pay toll or petrol or buy me food?? Even if you don't wanna do it just pretend la. Nope A doesn't do any of that shit, A thinks i'm a taxi driver for charity. Even that I still consider A as my best friend. A makes me drive all the way to KL and crowded places like Bukit Bintang because A doesn't want to scratch A's brand new car and also A is stingy with petrol (and i'm not?? You think i what own a petrol station). How i know this?? Of course i know, A mouthed it out. A must really think that since we are good friends it's okay to do this. I'm only A best friend when he needs something from me. Then he'll be all manja like. But when it's A's turn to drive, trust me A will ask to share the travelling expenses. 

This is irritable but not enough to tick me off yet. A and i always have food together, and of course A is always short on cash/small change, i'm wondering why is A not short himself then... A will say babe can loan me RM2 first no small change laa.... Small deal to me RM2 only what!!!! And then i realize A don't pay me back. So i just brush it off since it's only RM2. The next time paying the bill; babe short of RM5 can you pay first... Okay i pay again... The thing is i never see the return on any of this..... and if i were to ask it back it would seem like i'm miserly. Trust me it has been more than 10x and not only that even A's friend does it to me. 

When A pays for me first, A is quick to ask for money back even provides bank account number and if you don't pay within 2 days there will be a text reminding you. *ISHHH!!?!?!* Next incident we were having dessert at this restaurant, my bestie was with me, let's call her B. Before dessert we had dinner at another restaurant, I paid the bill first and calculated how much each person owed me. A again does not have cash and asked me to get the bill first (Nabeh what you do with your $$$, everytime no money). I said okay, A said will pay me back once money is withdrawn later (We shall see). Take note on the word *later*... Upon finishing our dessert the bill came, A loudly said to B i'm buying this dessert. Then i said how about the money you owed me for dinner just now? A responded i always get you free invites. 
I was like *WTFFFFFF!!!!>!>?@>!>@!@!@!* So you are using your free invites to get free meals out of me you useless piece of crap, even a crap has more honor than you! Take note that you don't even give me that many invites like you claim probably 5 out of 50 events and you dare to say it out loud. Those events you got it free it's not like you paid for it. OMG what a parasite... You use my money to pay for dessert and you loudly tell my friend & I that you are buying using the money that you owe me. My my your balls are even smaller than I thought and your face is thicker than a cement wall. Construction company should hire you to build their walls, it will probably stand greater than the Great Wall of China. 

Why why do this to me? I'm sincerely treating you as my best friend :(

Never mind that, I still treat A as my best friend and still hangs out with A. Because i'm an idiot, that's why. A thinks that by calling me sweet names A can take advantage of me. I let A take advantage because I genuinely do treat A as my best friend. Next incident, A wants to celebrate D's birthday. Who is D?? D is A's best friend. A asked me to buy the cake first and share it among A, C(another A's best friend) and myself. Bought the cake, celebrated the birthday, I text C & A the amount they need to pay for the cake. C said okay, will do it by this week. You know what happened??? I left for holiday 10days to UK came back and still no money. SO HOW? I have to be thick face and ask lorrrr. C ask me to ask A. Then A ask me to ask C. Then A ask me to ask D because D owed C money. (Puki*** making me go around like Merry-Go-Round). So i did. Since D is always delaying i gave D my account number and asked that the money be banked in by this week as i needed it. D said banked in already but when i check my account no amount was reflected. So no choice thick face again and asked D. D said GOT!. I said NO and asked if D banked in the wrong account number? D said why i sound so sarcastic? Are you freaking kidding me, i'm merely just checking if you banked in to the correct account because the amount is not reflected. I met with A & D for yum cha so i asked D face to face. I said the money is not in my account pay me cash now. D said why i'm always asking when shes short on cash. *Ohh sorry my fault for asking at a time that is not convenient to you or at a time when i know your purse is empty* Then D said never mind la just let the bank eat. If you did not bank in the money say you did not bank in the money, it's insulting that you did not bank in the money and you have the nerve to say let the bank eat the money. If you really did banked in the money show me the receipt to proof that you actually banked it in. It's not about the amount it's about the principle and what you are doing as a so call friend. *With friends like these who needs enemies*

Vomit blood. *Cekik darah*

That was the last straw, there is no way i'm torturing myself by hanging out with these idiots who only know how to pretend to be my friend and take advantage of me all the time. I'm forgiving that is why they can keep doing it to me again and again and again and worst A's friends takes advantage of me too. You think i what own a bank?? Even if I do it's none of your business. It's up to me and my choice to decide whether I want to donate money to you. I would rather donate to real needy people who needs it like an orphanage or handicapped people who cannot work. You have 2 hands and 2 legs and you choose to be like that. I know some of you must be thinking am i making this up, is there such a person in this world? Or that i'm taking it way too serious. Don't comment if this has not happen to you. Do not comment if you are a saint but I highly doubt so. Do not comment if you have not been taken advantage of like that and you don't mind. I have not even finish telling all of the other minor stuffs that A and friends did. If I do, this page will take you another 3 hours to read.

I brush it off many times, I thought to myself cincaila they my friends what, this is what a sucker would tell themself; NO MORE!! I'm putting a stop to it. I don't need friends like you around. I can get by on my own or even a pet is more loyal than you bunch of people.

Avoid loaning money or things to friends/family at all cost unless you know that that person is trustworthy and reliable then by all means go ahead. Yes family they can be unreliable to. I would say my sister but I'll be going on and on and on so let's not get to that. Come on people if you owe someone money pay them back on time. If you can't afford to eat or join yum cha sessions simple don't join. Don't join and owe people money, that's fuc*** up & pathetic. If you have no money, then get a job, work a couple if not enough, spend lesser, manage your funds better, lock yourself at home if you must, money borrowing is not the answer... Don't make your problem into someone else's problem. We got enough problems to worry about than having to chase you for our money back. 

BTW i don't simply come out with scenarios if it didn't happen to me for REAL. It's really sad if your friends treat you like that. It hurts too. 

Yes I am not happy. So good riddance to bad rubbish. 

This is what those people need. A good kick in the behind. I'll do it for free. No extra charge.

So long suckers. I'm done being used. 

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