Friday 19 September 2014

MY Food Comments >> People take it too far/personal!?!

Isn't this a free country??? We are free to voice our opinions about something provided it does not touch sensitive issues such as religion. Not free to simply jab at me as when as you like. Even if you want to jab, jab properly and something related to the food =.=". 

Some idiots' comment are really ridiculous like i'm fussy, or ugly or I don't know what I'm talking about or I don't know how to eat food. What has it got to do with you? And what has food got to do with looks? Because i'm fussy or don't support your fav cafe so i'm ugly. ROFLLLL!!
If you're voicing your opinion just for the sake of you can't shut up then get lost. I'm just sharing my experiences about restaurants during my visit, if you don't like it get lost. If you would like to defend the restaurant do so in a nice manner like you went to the restaurant before you find it really good or Alis served you really well therefore your experience at the restaurant was awesome blah blah blahhhh.

My question is: Are you better looking than me? Are you good looking yourself to be judging? It's like the pot calling the kettle black! It's just damn stupid and hilarious! You're calling yourself ugly too!

                    She can criticize me all she wants, she's gorgeous :) 

And even if I'm fussy, so what? You my mother?? You my boyfriend??? Go feed yourself with poison if you want to control me for being fussy or from commenting. Go get yourself someone who is not fussy, who can sleep on the floor with your dirty clothes covering the floor like a carpet/eat shitty food with you and have no complaints. My only concern is my boyfriend, if he's fine with me being fussy I don't care about you losers who have nothing else better to do with your life but to go around leaving shitty comments in people's blog. If that makes you feel good about yourself, I feel sad for you because you have no life and no friends to hangout with. GET A LIFE! 
Or since you have so much passion in you to comment go save the world or start a campaign to save animals or something.

So what if I don't know how to eat food. Have I ever declared that I am a food critique/expert?? Or I have traveled 20 continents so I know what food should or should not taste like?? All food comments are based on MY preference. If you don't agree, go suck a dick. Btw this is referring to chib**s who loves to leave mean comments just to make themselves feel good, not a jab at everyone so don't get sensitive. Like my mom always say if you can't say anything nice, then shut up. If your interest is to hurt someone emotionally on purpose then remember this people; karma works it's way around.

You must be thinking wouldn't karma hit me back for leaving bad comments about certain restaurants or cafes? No. I didn't do anything wrong, comments on food/cafe are solely based on how the food taste or whether I like it or not or whether the service of the place sucks/is good from what I observe or experienced - this includes friends who are with me, I take their comments into account as well so it's not purely based on mine alone. It's also not something that I cooked up to make them go bankrupt, if it's lies that I'm telling then yes I should be very afraid. Would you prefer if I leave nice comments, and you went to that same cafe but you find the food sucky, wouldn't that make me a liar/I have no taste in food? But then again you people will find whatever I say wrong.

The restaurant/cafe is short of staff - it's not my problem.
Short of staff hire more, don't make it my problem & make me wait 30 mins for my food. Or I have to eat with your sour face because you're working a double shift because your employer can't hire more staff to help you out.

The chef is lousy - it's not my problem.
Accept comments and cook better. Don't get defensive.

The restaurant/cafe is dirty - it's not my problem.  
Clean up. You can't expect us to eat while staring at the disgusting floor or absorbing the smell coming out of the toilet.

The restaurant/cafe only hire foreigners - it's not my problem. 
Teach foreigners especially some English, it's so hard for me to order food sometimes, I'll be spending 10mins asking them what is the dish about - you know how some dish has fancy name? OMG take a bat & beat me. It's like chicken and duck talking. I don't have anything against foreign workers but some of them just make it so difficult for me to ask questions that I just give up. When this happens I get upset when the food comes and it's not what I want. Yes they can be train because I've been to restaurants that have foreign workers working and they provide great service and speak good English, for exp Miam Miam.

So what if there are fussy people in the world like me, if everyone has low expectations or no expectations at all, this means even I can open a cafe and I can't cook or neither do I have the resources to open a good cafe and hire good staff/chef. But you guys can't complaint because fussy people are not allowed according to some "people". There are many places where I feel that should be filled with people and business blooming for them but unfortunately they are empty and eventually close down. WERT!>?! 
Conclusion: Customers enter a shop that looks crowded and if I live my life based on what you people say, I might as well don't need to be born!

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