Saturday 30 August 2014

Public Fight >> Girl Power?!?!

We were hanging out at Bad Cafe, Murphy was with us :) Then Dennis wanted to go to Barfly, wert!!?!?! Coffee is too boring for him maybe. PhyPhy was with us how to go Barfly and i'm not about to leave him in the car, so I brought him along. We sat outside away from the crowd and loud music, I know it's not advisable but I don't wanna leave him in the car to suffocate. I held him in my arms all the time & smoother him with kisses :)

If any of you says that I'm torturing poor Murphy I'll slap you because that is absolutely untrue, everyone knows how much I love animals. I wouldn't risk my life to save one if I like to torture animals. I may not be able to do much but I love them a lot. Anyone who knows me can tell you that.

Okay back to the story, we were sitting there chatting, me playing with Murphy and suddenly a group of people swarmed by, I was shocked I thought what happened. What I saw - this girl rushing after this guy punching and punching and punching him while yelling on top of her voice who you think you are fuck you repeatedly..... and another girl trying to get in on the action trip over a table... Hmphh... She quickly got up and attack that guy.

Wow what made them so upset to display public violence like that?!? I couldn't budge not with Murphy, so my kepoh friends went to watch the show. I waited patiently for them to come back and entertain me with stories. I even told them to take a video. Kepoh right!! Then a group sitting behind of me ask to play with Murphy.. Hehe. Who wouldn't PhyPhy is so adorable, nobody can resist. Finally they came back so this is what they gather - apparently, the girl who was beating the guy caught him kissing another girl and they were in a 5 year relationship. No wonder, I can understand her monstrous rage.... What would I have done if I was her, assuming the story that we heard is true. This is purely base on my opinion, if you girls think that he should be chopped in pieces or you should disgrace him in public that's your problem. 

I would definitely be upset if my 5-year bf kissed another girl, that goes to show how much I meant to him. Lots of raging thoughts in my head telling me to give him hell in public, embarrass him till every single soul finds out about his infidelity and everyone would side me and give him even more hell. At the end of it, I'll give him a huge slap so his head will turn so hard that it will never be straight again, that will teach him to kiss another girl. 
So much anger just from kissing huh, imagine if he beds another girl... His body will never be found....

Anyways thoughts are always more imaginative than real life, I might have all these angry thoughts in me but I will still act rationally. I would be upset but not to the extend of beating him in public, that is just not right and downright embarrassing for both of us as well as our friends who are hanging out with us. Yes it does look macho wow, this girl can protect herself, wow this girl cannot be messed with, wow this girl don't tolerate her man cheating on her. But ask yourself honestly do you look up to a girl behaving like this in public? My answer is no, I don't. What I see is a crazy girl going after the bf while yelling vulgar words at him - bullying. If she can be like that in public what more at home??

Do not say that talk is cheap, I can say anything I want just because I have not experience it before. Puhleasee I have experience plenty. I had my guy hugging another girl in club in front of my face, I had my guy texting other girls sweetly, I had my guy fetching girls without my knowledge, I had my guy going out with the girl that he tried to have something before without my knowledge. (Yupe I found out eventually). I was very upset, but I waited until we were home and alone to talk about it then I am free to yell at him however I want, but I will still not hit him. I have never in my entire life of relationships ever hit my boyfriend or abuse him verbally in public. At most, my face will be black as charcoal. The thing I hate the most if he does something secretly behind my back; if it's innocent why hide it? Scared of me? Then don't do it or talk to me, I might throw a fit but at least you've told me. 

In a way I understand why that girl hit her boyfriend but I don't approve of how or where she did it even though he deserve every bit of it. If you can't commit to a relationship then don't. Don't bother being in a relationship and think that since you got bored of eating roti canai everyday gives you the right to try bak kut teh. *if you know what I mean*.

Threesome is not an option.

Assuming if they are no longer together, any guy who witness that will be afraid to go after her fearing for the same treatment. So talk it over, talk until the next day if you have to.. Sort it out the #noviolence way. 

Imagine how afraid your bf is of you, you can make him do anything. Sit/Stand/Rollover. HAHA. Tempting but no... I'll get a dog for that.

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