Tuesday 2 September 2014

Puppy Sitter for a day :)

Lawrence gave me permission to bring PhyPhy home and babysit him for the night. OMG!!!! Are you serious... Super Pschyee... Before that here's a couple of pictures of PhyPhy, I practically watch him grow up. I'll puppysit him forever if I could :) I had to say yes at the risk of my mom murdering me & PhyPhy. Yaiks!

At Caffeine;, Setia Walk.

OMG don't look at me like that! I'll kidnap you :)

He makes friend everywhere he goes.

At Absolute Coffee, SS15. I held him in my arms till he fell asleep :)

At Starbucks.

Huggies :)

See told you, I watch him grow up, when he was a little puppy until now 6 months old. So back to the topic, OMG i got the chance to take care of him for a day so happy. Hmm problem mom will kill both of us if she finds out... Don't care i'll take the risk. P/S: PhyPhy is very quiet :) *evil laughs*

I reached home after midnight, thinking that mom & sis are asleep. I quietly sneak PhyPhy in to my room then went to clean myself. I forgot to take something so I came out, my sis was about to enter my room and I manage to stop her just in time. Phew!!! Sweat!! Stress man!!! *Thank God for being forgetful huh!* I quickly brush teeth and fly back to my room & seal the door shut :) She might think I have a man inside, wonder which is worst if I got caught...

I played with PhyPhy for a bit. I gave him my baby seal doll to play with. He is so adorable.

Looking for my bra.


I found him a tiny cup.

Time for bed, I place him on the bed with me but he was so active that he walk up and down my face, left right of my bed. I couldn't sleep :( 
But he was so adorable that I couldn't possibly get mad at the little guy. So i put him on the floor, he kept trying to climb up on my bed but since his legs are still short, he couldn't then he barked. Holy Shit! Shhhhh! You're going to wake my mom. Panicked I carried him back to the bed. So I allowed him to step all over me, chew on my shirt. I fell asleep slightly, then woke up to check on him, fell asleep again, woke up to check on him....

Morning came, *yawnsSs*, I need to sneak him out of the house. I went down open the door went back upstairs carried him out then my sis walked out. CRAP! Not again! *Darn you sister!* My sis walk to the kitchen so I quickly ran out the door put him in the car porch while I went and change. Seriously I really could use The Flash powers. 

Picked up Buu, went for lunch & drop him to get his hair cut. Since I couldn't get parking after rounding so many times, I decided to wait in the car with PhyPhy. *Selfietime*

Cutie pie was lying here and there.

Aiya how I drive?

OMG don't look at me like that. Okla sleep on my whole leg :)

He fell asleep. Awwww...

I brought PhyPhy to the vet because I notice that he's shaking like a vibrator. Don't stare at me, I didn't do anything. In fact Buu thought it was normal because his Pekingnese vibrate like this too. I insisted because I think it's not normal. 

 Dr Steven at Healing Pets, Damansara Jaya.

We waited for the Doctor for quite a while (almost 30 minutes), he went out without informing his staff where he's going and he didn't bring his hp. Finally he came back, he examined PhyPhy, he agreed that PhyPhy shouldn't be shaking like this. He did a couple of test, insert a thermometer to check his temperature, he poke his ear to get blood and place on a contraption which says PhyPhy's blood is normal. Then he put PhyPhy down on the floor to see if he can walk straight. Everything was normal, so the Dr concluded that it could be something that PhyPhy ingested and now is suffering from the side effects of it. Don't look at me again I didn't do anything. I can only say that I took over PhyPhy from the night before and he was already shaking. Hmphhh...

Total damage of the simple examinations is RM45. Dr didn't prescribe any medication, he says to wait for PhyPhy to pass it out =.=". I think i'm in the wrong line, I should be a Dr. Their charges are outrageous. I called Lawrence and explained what happen and also advise him to be more careful of what he feeds PhyPhy. I dropped Buu at his friend's house, they are heading to Ipoh for a wedding. I stopped by the road brought PhyPhy out of the car for him to poo poo. Guess what that cutie chased me up and down the road. LOL....

I placed him on the front seat while I drove to Bangsar to hand him back to Lawrence. PhyPhy should be pretty sleepy by now... and i'm right....

Droopy eyes, getting sleeepy...

Very cheeky, still refuse to fall asleep.

I was really sad when I hand him back, I wish he could stay with me longer.


  1. It is the cutest dog I have seen!
    You have also a nice car! which model is it?

  2. He is very adorable :)
    Just an old Toyota.
