Wednesday 12 November 2014

Damansara Village Steamboat Restaurant @ Kayu Ara


Herbal Ingredients.

White Wine ~ Drink it while it's hot else the soup will taste bitter.

Comes with the set.

Comes with the set ~ Chicken Slices.

Comes with the set.

Comes with the set ~ Clams.

Comes with the set ~ Prawns. Get the staff to assist you, the prawns might splash around once you put them in the soup. Cruel I know. You can leave the prawns aside until they are completely kapoot. 

Added Tofu. Expensive, this cost RM6.

Added Crabstick. Equally expensive RM6.

Satay is good.

Racoon. I don't think it's nice to be keeping this racoon. It should be allowed to roam free. They have other animals as well.

We got the steamboat set which cost RM 68+ which I would say is not cheap considering the ingredients we got and it's not even enough to feed 2 of us. The ala-carte items are also very pricey, RM 6 for a few pieces of tofu & another RM 6 for a few pieces of crabstick. Soup is normal, nothing to shout about.

Damansara Village Steamboat Restaurant
Lot 1067, Jalan Jenjarum,
Kg. Sg. Kayu Ara,
Off Jalan SS23/10,
47400 Petaling Jaya.
03-7803 1832

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