Sunday 25 January 2015

Cosmo. Dr Electrotherapy Follow Up (Come try, it's FREE!!!) @ Taipan USJ

Day 7: I've been enjoying the electrotherapy for 7 days straight. WooHooo :)
I didn't pay a single cent.
Please note that this therapy is FREE, no money will be charged and they are not selling anything unlike those annoying MLM. The only reason why it is free is so that if you benefit from the machine, you will tell your friend and your friend will tell his/her friend and they will tell another friend... If the machine is good from all the testimonials, then they will be able to introduce it to our hospitals, clinics, and private institutions BUT we would have to pay to use the machine in future.

You must also know that the machine is not a miracle machine and neither is the machine a doctor that can heal any disease. This machine only increases your natural healing power which is already in your body. What is natural healing power? For example you hurt your finger, your body will be able to heal the wound by itself. That is natural healing power which is already in your body. Or say you catch a cold, you'll recover from the cold eventually with some rest and medication.

I must say starting from the 1st day I was there until the 7th day, Steven who is another consultant has never fail to make me laugh every time I am there. He is very entertaining and no doubt funny. He will explain the therapy in English, Bahasa, Mandarin, Cantonese, he's like a walking translator same like Long. 

I try so hard not to laugh my ass out every time Steven or Long is presenting.
But then again it's good to laugh, laughter is also a form of healing or medicine. 

Now you all must be wondering have I benefited from the machine?

Let me think.

I sleep more soundly at night, I use to have uneasy sleep like getting nightmares.
My night vision (astigmatism) has slightly improved. I hate driving at night as the lights are always glaring and flashing at my eyes which can be painful for me. But after the therapy, I notice that the lights are not so glaring anymore.
My hair is dropping lesser, I use to shed hair like crazy. Every time I comb my hair and pooof a few strands drop on the floor. Lately I notice that I'm not covering the floor with my hair as much as I use to. Buu also used to complaint about me shedding my hair all over his car and he had to constantly vacuum it but lately it has been lesser. 
My hands use to ache from using the mouse and I had to stop to stretch my fingers, but lately it doesn't ache that often. Same goes for my legs.

These are the changes that I notice about myself, it could all be in the mind which I doubt. Usually in every session Steven or Long will ask people who have done the therapy more than once to share the changes that they have experienced. There are some people who experience no changes at all and some people huge difference, this could be because you do not come everyday but once in a while. The most important is the first 4 days, so do try your best to come everyday. I will share some of the customers' feedbacks. 
A girl I think about 20ish says that she has come for 22x, now her back and shoulder pain has gone, hair has also drop lesser.
An uncle from Arab who by the way can sing in Chinese, claims that his hearing has improved. You might bump into him, he comes everyday.
Another aunty claims that now she has more strength and can walk faster.
I understand that this could all be lies just to get people to come but before you think this why don't you just come, try it for yourself. AND listen to everyones testimony then you decide for yourself whether it's a lie or not. No harm in trying, and trust me you don't have to pay a single thing if that's what you are worried about.

They will be closed on 19th Feb-22nd Feb for Chinese New Year and will open again on 23rd. Oh noo I can't sit :( As for 18th they will only be open from 10am to 2pm. The showroom will only be operating until 10Mac unless they can get in more new people then the showroom might be extended. So please please introduce more new people.

Cosmo. Dr Electrotherapy (No signboard)
Lot 20, Jalan USJ 10/1E,
Taipan USJ, 
47620 Subang Jaya.
Monday to Sunday: 10am to 7pm

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