Tuesday 17 February 2015

Robata Monkey @ Jaya One

Squid Floss (Comp) ~ Keeps you occupy until your meal arrives.

Miso Soup (RM 4) ~ Thick, tasty and ingredients are generous. 

Sashimi Salmon (RM 24) ~ Very fresh and portion is generous.

Baby is impressed at how thick the salmon is.

Chawan Mushi (RM 12) ~ Have to wait for about 10-15 minutes. It's a huge chawan mushi, can be shared with 2 people. Nice & flavorful.

Ume Chatsuke (RM 15) ~ Bad, it's basically just rice with soup & some plums. 

I'm not good with Japanese food names, they have so many fancy names. If they don't put any English description I'm doomed. For example Gindara Teriyaki is Cod Fish Teriyaki. This I know because is my favorite.

I wanted to try the Ume Chatsuke but I don't know what it is, the description says Ume + Rice - So helpful!!! Seriously!!! So I asked the waiter he said Ume is fish belly. I said ohh fish huh ok great I'll order it. It waited for my Ume quite a while so I ask the lady to check on it but before that I ask Ume is fish right?? She said Ume is plums not fish. I was like WTF!!!!! How did Plums become Fish?!?!@?!# Then she said it's also nice. 

My Ume came and I wasn't very impressed. It's sourish. Baby accidentally bite into the plum and his eyes were squinting, I said OMG what's wrong is it a bone? Is it spicy??? He said no it's DAMN sour.

I do hope the staffs here would know what the different foods are, don't have to be specific like fish belly or squid tentacles but at least a fish or a squid. And hopefully there won't be another case like mine: PLUMS = FISH.

Robata Monkey
Lot L-12A-G, Palm Square,
Jaya One, 46200 Petaling Jaya.03-7932 5168
Monday to Sunday: 12pm to 12am

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