Sunday 21 June 2015

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished ?!?@?#!@#$

It all started one fine night when we were on the dancefloor of Velvet. 
We were dancing and baby stepped on something; A Pouch. We picked it up kept it and continued dancing. Once were done we went outside we opened it and have a look. 

Well of course I'm not going to ask who it belongs to on a dancefloor, first nobody can hear shit of what I'm saying and second the wrong people might claim that it belongs to them. Okay let's get back to the story. 

In the pouch, there were different business cards, staff id, building pass, ATM card, and credit card no cash. We were trying to figure out who it belongs to. Since the staff id has the same name as the multiple business card, we came to the conclusion that it belongs to a girl name Eunice (last name cannot be revealed). There's no mobile number on her business card except office number, Shitzzz she just made this harder. So we called the office number hoping that it might link to her hp (my old workplace phone has this function) but it just rang a while then went to voicemail. Then we tried calling the other business cards contacts, we hope it might be a friend. We tried calling 2 numbers, unfortunately not many people will pick up an unknown number calling at 2.30am.

That was a bust! We sent an email to her work email hoping that it might be linked to her handphone and she might check it. No response! Farkkk! I'm getting sleepy.... I found her on Linked In and I can confirm it's her same name same position and same company but I couldn't bloody PM her because I need to upgrade my account. WTF!!!!!!!!

Come on give us a break!! We got tired of trying so we went back to our car. In the comforts of our car, I suggested to look her up on Facebook. Found a couple of Eunice with the same last name, tried to see which look like her the most then pm her. Baby used his account to do it. For some reason i used my own account and clicked the same girl and guess what 1 mutual friend. Holy Shit!!!! Let's see who's the mutual friend. My Cousin. 

I whatsapp him the below picture and asked if this is your friend.

Darkened her picture for privacy purpose.

He said how the fuck I got this, so I told him the entire story. He said he'll check then get back to me. What luck it is friend. The friend wasn't as grateful as I have imagined it. If someone were to find your property and return it to you how will your reaction be??? 

OMG thank you thank you thank you..... I don't expect a reward or anything just a simple thank you but her reaction seriously make me think rethink about the trouble I went through to find her and I should gave her cards to a beggar and tell him to go crazy with it. Why I said so, let me continue my story.....

My cousin said that he will come collect it from me and pass to her. I said it's her thing she should bloody hell come get it why are you doing it for her? I told him ask her to contact me if she wants her pouch back and ask her to come get it from me wherever my location is, I'm not going to drive to where she is... I'm already doing her a favor. She should be more grateful. Received a whatsapp from her "not a call". 

No thank you, nothing but a request to check whether her things are still in there.

I really don't expect much but please be a decent human being and say thank you. No matter what I saved your life or the least is saved you from going through a lot of hassle. You don't need to make a police report, you don't need to pay for the staff id & building card, you don't need to contact your banks to cancel & request a new card. I didn't mention to her about the trouble we went through to locate her, why bother she obviously don't give a shit. Let's say maybe she's overjoyed and don't know how to show her appreciation in whatsapp. Continue reading.

I just reached Neway and was about to start attacking the buffet since it's closing in 30 minutes, she decided to give me a call and tell me that she arrived. I told her to wait at Wong Kok, when I came out I didn't see anyone so I gave her a call. You know what she did. She unwind her window......... I walked down to her car and pass her the pouch, she looked at me with the face that tells me that I should fucking do this for her!!!! Her thank you is so ungrateful..... Seriously this is the first time I got pissed off for doing the right thing. The reason I did it is because when I lost my phone I really wished that someone was kind enough to return it to me, unfortunately it never happened and I know how frustrating and sad it can be to lose such important things. So I didn't want her to feel the same way. Bloody regret for helping her!

Come on idiot, the least you could do is walk down from your car and take your thing. Retarded girl. Didn't your mother teach you any manners??? I find your thing, have to try all means to contact you and now present your pouch right to your face like a Queen. Fuck U! You're a disgrace to human, I think even a dog shows more gratitude than you.

I can't tell her to her face since it's my cousin's friend but I told my cousin what she did and he said WTF, you really shouldn't have helped her. Oh well I already did. I should have just drop her pouch at the police station and tell her to get it from them....

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