Monday 16 November 2015

Alexis @ Bangsar

Lavender (RM 13.50) / English Breakfast (RM 13.50).

Tiramisu Cake (RM 16.80) ~ Pricey but no doubt worth it. Donna loves it and she has it every time we are at Alexis.

Chocolate Moist Cake (RM 14) ~ I super love this, it's soooo good. Chocolate taste is perfect, it's not too thick/strong that it makes you sick and texture is just right.

Before we leave I went to the Ladies, when I came back Donna asked me to quietly look at a stranger standing a few feet from our table. I took a look I didn't find anything suspicious and he was on his earphone talking away. I didn't suspect anything till we got up and leave. He followed us and I thought it might be a coincidence. So we cross the road from Alexis and I quietly observed him. He was hiding behind a pillar, I saw a couple crossing the back lane and since his view is blocked I quickly asked Donna to walk with the couple. 

Once we walked he crossed the road (OMG FREAKY!) and followed us behind. We reached the corner of Naughty Babe, he was so close behind me that he could touch me. But we played it cool like we didn't know of his existence. We cross the road and pass the Pondok Police, I asked Donna if she would like to go in there and wait him out but she said no and that we can run for it (THIS IS WHERE YOU NEED TO PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN & FORCE YOUR FRIEND TO GET IN THE PONDOK POLICE >> in future). OH well we continued walking pass the pondok to the corner and we walked up the road. 

We saw a couple of security guards loitering around so we quickly walk pass them and at the same time I took a look to see where the creep was, we were halfway up the road to where my car is and he was at the corner still pretending to talk on his phone. We took the advantage of the guards being there and we quicken our step. Once we reach the car I immediately unlock my car and stepped in. When I looked forward while I was putting one leg in the creep ran towards us (OMG OMG OMG!) I yelled to Donna, get in the car NOW, he is running towards us. Donna was struggling to squeeze herself in and when shes in I locked the car. PHEWWW! I took out my phone because I wanted to take a picture of the creep just in case then Donna asked me not to because it might provoke him further. 

I thought we were safe in the car, the creep stood outside my car so close to my window and stared at us like a lion staring down it's prey. I drove off immediately after that, I checked the mirror to see if any idiots are following us. We got caught in a jam exiting Bangsar (Like Seriouslyyy!! =.=) I checked for any strange motor/vehicle tailing us when I dropped Donna at her home, thankfully none. 

Donna went home and told her family about the incident and according to them these creeps usually work in a team. One to hunt you down and once you get in your car he will call his friend who will come in a motor and follow you home. So be extra careful and be more observant and our mistake was not entering the Pondok Police. If we would have done so we could skip the whole drama. What a night :/ I burned all the calories from the cake from all the running :/

Lot 29, Jalan Telawi 3,
Bangsar Baru,
59100 Kuala Lumpur.
03-2284 2880
Monday to Thursday: 11am to 1am
Friday: 11am to 2am
Saturday: 9am to 2am
Sunday: 9am to 1am
Alexis Bangsar Page!

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