Friday 8 March 2013

Epicurean Cuisine & Patisserie

Found Epicurean Patisserie on Facebook ~ attracted by the fancy name so I decided to give it a try. Placed my order via email, i was looking forward to order flavors like Green Tea however according to Chef Lee specific flavors like Matcha Green Tea, Vanilla and White Truffle which he doesnt have in hand would require a minimum of 25 piece per flavor. 

I told Chef Lee that i am not going to eat 50 piece of macaroon as i am ordering just for fun. 

So i told him that ill stick with the flavors that he have in hand which is:

Dark chocolate
Sea salt caramel
Earl Grey
Chocolate caramel

Since he have it in hand i would presume that i can collect it the next day, i emailed him for confirmation and awaited his reply. Waited till Saturday was bout to come to an end, then came Sunday morning. Woke up check my email still no reply so i whatsapp him whether can i still come and collect, if he cannot cater to me then next week is fine for me. He replied next week then. HMMPhhhhh! This is already testing my patience! But fine since i read good reviews about his macaroons, i shall tolerate his nonsence just to get a taste of it.

Come next week, i whatsapp him on Saturday night to remind him of collection on Sunday afternoon. He told me that he would be going to Church so i would have to collect it from his house by 2pm or at Pavillion by 4.30pm. 

Since i did not want to rush therefore i chose the latter. He informed me that his phone is running out of battery so he will meet me at Komuji cafe at 4.30pm. 

After lunching at Levain, i drove to Pavilion, took the trouble to find a parking but Donna and Simon decided to wait in the car while i go get the macaroons. I was hunting for Komuji cafe, after walking up and down i finally found it. I walked in the cafe took a round looking for Chef Lee, since i havent actually met the dude i dont really know what he looked like just based on the whatsapp picture.

I walked in one round looking nobody looked back at me. I asked the workers at the counter they do not know who am i talking about, showed them his whatsapp picture still no help. I suppose i thought that he might own that cafe or work in it or something. NEVERMIND! I stand outside of the cafe waiting and trying to call him >> voicemail. Hmmm looks like his hp ran out of battery.

So i was cat walking up and down the cafe hoping that somebody might notice that i was looking for someone, UNFORTUNATELY nobody was looking back at me. So i stand at the entrance for 20mins... GRRRR! Donna suggested that i come back to the car and not wait there like a Gundu! And also she and Simon are choking on the car fumes ;)

Sighz! so i left there and drove Donna and Simon home. I got home pretty pissed and upset. If you know that your hp battery is going to run out, the natural thing to do would be pass me the contact of your friends that you are going to hang out with OR take down my contact and call me with your friend's hp OR PAY ATTENTION TO PPL WALKING UP AND DOWN and look like searching for someone.

Finally i receive a message from Chef Lee saying that he already informed me his hp has limited battery and it might run out. TYPICAL! So he said if you are still interested you can come collect it as he is already back in Kelana. 

After all the trouble i had to go through for it might as well collect it, try it and get it off my chest! I drove all the way to his place in SS5 Kelana Jaya collected the macaroons. To think that after all the trouble he put me through, make me pay for the parking in Pavilion he should at least be more apologetic about it and give me a discount. He did offer me extra 1 macaroon free but this is because i was a first time buyer and before all the trouble he put me through.

SO lets see if the macaroons are worth all the hassle:

I like the box, it has a classy yet simple touch. The earl grey and pistachio was good but a lil too sweet.

And the tower of macaroons do make a nice picha :)

I may be fussy and a complaint queen but i will always give Chefs, cafes or restaurants a chance to proof themselves before i simply judge them, this includes the funny things that they put me through.

Epicurean Cuisine & Pattisserie

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