Wednesday 6 March 2013

Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie @ Jalan Delima

I decided to try Levain and dragged poor Simon and Donna along. Unfortunately due to our no sense of direction we got lost a couple of times trying to find this place. Its actually located very close to Renoma Gallery. Times Square will be on your right keep going straight, Jalan Delima is actually just acorss the road, you will need to find a away to U-Turn.

Levain is really pack, you can park in Levain but you have to wait for an empty spot. We were really hungry so we parked further down the road, the Bangladeshi worker will ask you to park in the lot, it cost about RM 3 only. 

Finally we are here....

Walk in AND full houseee.... So we walked upstairs to find a table. But it would be great to be able to sit outside and sip tea. Maybe next time...

There is definitely no seat downstairs, so we went upstairs and managed to get a table at the back. 

We took turns to order, remember your table no. so that the waitor can send your drinks to your table. 

There is a huge selection of cakes and macaroons.. Unfortunately i did not manage to get a picture, becauseeeee i saw the queue and i wana berebuts to order. 

       Cafe Latte ~ Definitely no fight with the coffee at San Francisco and J&D 

        Simon orders the weirdest thing ~ Sum bulat thingy??

   Simon orders the weirdest thing ~ Pizza??

                   Creamy Mushroom Soup ~ BIASALA tasted like can soup.

      Macaroons ~ I only like the Green Tea, the green tea is one of the best i ever  
                          tasted. The others piling there not soo much.

New York Cheese Cake ~ Horrible! The cheese tasted farneeee!
New York Cheese Cake ~ Horrible! The cheese tasted farneeee! 

Mushroom Pasta ~ This is actually not bad! Donna enjoyed the pasta!

Simon, The lil Pwincess & the Beautiful Donna!

The interior of Levain!

I like the interior of a bungalow by itself turned into a pasty shop but the cakes, food, and coffee very biasa only! WHY the crowd??!? Ull have to come by 3pm, the pastries sells out by then.

Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie

No. 7, Jalan Delima, 55100 Kuala Lumpur
03-2142 6611
Monday to Sunday: 7.30am - 9.00pm

Coffea Coffee

After lunch i dragged Ms D to Coffea Coffee before she heads over to Sunway to meet her ah boy for dinner. Donna was full so only i ordered.

   The Green Tea Coolist ~ This drink tasted horrible, tasted funny and even make   
 me lau sai :(  Chatime Matcha Blended is way way way better. AND i lausai after  
                                                  drinking.. Haiseh....

Coffea Coffee @ Coffee Roast Malaysia

No. 8, Jalan Telawi 2, Bangsar
03-2201 3338
Monday to Sunday: 9.00am - 11.00pm

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