Thursday 28 August 2014

Couples/Friends on Mobile Phones >> What's up with this??

I have always wondered about couples on mobiles, I look at them I observe them and I thought to myself what are they doing??? They are out on a date but both are on their phones. It defeats the purpose of the date doesn't it. Why not just tapao, Skype and eat while Skypeing. Save money also, tapao is cheaper, and don't have to pay for each other and best of all don't waste space, it can be used to occupy people who are really there to chat. 

It annoys me, they are so lucky to have each other yet they are more obsessed with gadgets than their partners. What is the point of being a couple might as well just couple with the gadgets. A gadget does not have mood swings, temper tantrums, maintenance (gifts), petrol expenses, save your saliva (don't have to talk), yada yadaaa. You just need to pay for eye expenses cause your eye would probably burst from staring at it all day and doctor expenses too cause your hands might get numb from all the electric currents your wonderful gadget gives out. No wonder people prefer gadgets. It's not only with couples even friends out on gathering.

 Got this from Google.

Awesome party right.. Woohooo! 

Great catching up at lunch.

I always have the courtesy to not use my phone when I'm out with my friends, I don't play games, I don't check my Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, I usually check for important messages and if I need to reply then I will politely say excuse me a sec just let me reply to this then I put my phone away again or I quickly type away then keep my phone.
Sometimes I get really annoyed with my friends, I tell them off we are here to catch-up, if you're going to sit there pressing your phone then don't waste my time. They will apologize and 15 minutes later do it again. Oh God i give up with these people I tell you. So what i did i took out my phone too. 
If you can't beat them join them :D 

You may tell me to mind my own business, well I'm not telling the couples or people out there what to do, I'm just merely expressing my thoughts on what I have observed and I think it's really annoying. Don't bullshit me with the you don't mind nonsense. The only people who don't mind are they people that are doing this. 
Even in movies, some idiots are checking their FB. OMG come on, watch the movie. What's so interesting on Facebook that you cannot wait till later. You need to reply to your friend who posted "Im cooking maggi!" or "Good evening peeps!". Oh how insensitive of me, of course you need to reply Good Evening to you too mate i'm watching Equalizer with my gf, wanna join, you can come there's an empty seat beside me".

Since we are also on FB subject, what's up with all these posts:
Good Morning (Morning what you want?, Staying alone too sad need to post publicly just to see who reply you)

I'm having lunch (You want to share your lunch with me, I'm on a diet!!!!)

I'm so freaking pissed F*** CC* KN* tut tut tutt, what language also come out >> *censored* (Need me to pour ice on you? or better yet come pay me I go burn that person that pissed you off so badly that you need to share to the world)

Am i pretty? (Yes extremely, very sexy also)

I just woke up (AND AND continue the sentence la... KNS just wake up also must tell, how bout pooping - the color of your poop?)

I'll tell you a story, well it's not a story that I just made up. It's real. I saw this with my own 2 eye balls - the couple opposite our table. Both were on the phones staring into it like their souls got sucked into it. Then the girl stopped put her phone aside, her bf's soul is still stuck in the phone. So she looked at him playing the phone *ARGHHH, useless piece of shit*... She smiled still looking at him then the food came, still in the phone, stop for a while took a couple of pictures then ate. Throughout dinner one hand still on the phone. *WHAT A DICK!* At the end of it, they took a "happy" couple picture together. Pictures are so deceiving... Poor child, i pity you, I'm telling you here I feel you. Imagine your bf proposing to you through Whatsapp. Is this the guy you want to marry or be with?? Think 10x gurl!!!! Save yourself get someone who will give you more attention/affection. There are better guys out there.

This is how couples should be.

Or this?? :) 

Come on people life doesn't revolve around phones/gadgets. Snap out of it put down your phone for a minute and see the world. There are many interesting things that are going on around you. You probably didn't notice that your gf got her hair done or perhaps your guy shaved his mustache. Same goes for yum cha sessions. You are there to catch up on whats going on with your friends; new job/new partner/strike lottery/new car/scandalous stories? How are you going to find out any of this if you are always on the phone.?!?!?!.

Frustrated seeing all the souls getting suck into gadgets.

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