Thursday 28 August 2014

Guys >> My Guy :)

I haven't had a boyfriend for almost 3 years since I last broke up. Many might think I deserve it for being soo fussy or because I'm so mean. No it's because all guys that come are jerks. They act all noble, court me and pretend to want to be in a relationship. When I start feeling something, he suddenly becomes the fastest runner in Guinness Book of Record. *Werttt!>!?!*

Jerk: What do you feel about me?

Princess:  I think I LIKE you..

Jerk: Wow you like me that much huh? I don't think mine is too that extend. I think we need to stop seeing each other because obviously you are more involved emotionally than I am and it won't work out. Nabeh!?!>!<@! How you know it won't work out. Such a lame excuse... Be a man and just say you just want a companionship, not interested in a relationship. I asked you 100x and you said you were certain that you wanna explore the possibility of us..... 
Lesson of the day: Never trust a guy if he's only interest is to get in your pants. They have the sweetest mouth and they will sweet talk you into anything. Which girl don't like to be talk to like that. Trust me even the moon will come down. That's how sweet it is.

This happened throughout the entire 3 years till I gave up on love, and thought to myself probably I'm not meant for love. I'll just grow old with my Huskie & Bunny, this is my dream btw, I'm dead serious. One after another came and broke my already fragile heart. Then came my Buu. One of our friend introduced us, we went for a movie all 3 of us, I had to leave as I had horse riding lesson the following day. He did not contact me afterwards - I suck I know :/ We were FB friends though but never chatted till one day I became the man and spoke to him first and ask to join his clubbing sessions. 

We club together every week. Then he tried to chase me but I brother zone him. MUAHAHAHAHA! I knew he was going around chasing other girls, and I told him I'm not going to be his next victim. He is sweet though, he said to me, "I like you a lot but you brother zone me". I pretended not to hear that. We hung out so often that you can actually call him if you can't locate me. Still i insist that we remain as brother sister and I don't feel for him. I even push him to other girls or any girl I can find just to get rid of him.

As time goes by I realized he's not that bad. OH GOD I'm eating my own words now... I'm only human :( We became closer but I said only companionship and nothing else. I cannot afford to have my poor heart broken again. He said okay. We did everything together, cafe hunting, clubbing, shopping, car wash, pump petrol.... I know weird right.... No no don't fall in love... No no don't fall in the trap.... He never gave up on me and I'm glad that he didn't because now I can honestly say I miss him every day, I can't wait to see him and I need to see him just so I can hug him. 

Crazy how love works right. Just half a year ago I am disgusted at the thought of him touching me, now I can't stop thinking of him. I guess for those girls out there if you had your heart broken many times by idiot guys who's only interest is to have fun, don't fret there are good guys out there who will appear in your life when you least expect it. Give them a chance, open your heart to them. You might be afraid as he might be another asshole, well you'll never know if you never try. I was prepared to stay single and alone forever, and since this time my heart is pulling me to him, I took a chance and listen. 
To guys who just wanna have sex/good time/ONS go FUCK yourself, jump off a cliff! We already have enough predators in this world. Us girl have feelings and we don't enjoy being played around like a piece of meat. I'm not angry at the guys who came & go because I chose to like them, they helped shape the person I am today - tougher & stronger.

TO US :) If I didn't give him a chance then we won't be this:
*Good luck boy you're gonna need it* Ngek Ngek **evil laugh**.... 


He's always on the phone. He needs training....

Car Wash.

I'm not sure what will happen in future, if it will work out for us but at least we gave it a try. Both of us will not look back and have regrets. To my buu I miss you every second, I think of you all the time.

You are my brightest star in darkest of night. 
Whenever I feel down/upset, hugging you makes everything feel better. 
This of course exclude the times you pissed me off.

You got my favorite flower right the first time and I mention it only once.

You make me happier than I ever could imagine :)


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