Be warned that this cafe is super small that if i were to accidentally launch an air-biscuit, it will fill up the whole cafe. You can't even gossip without the next table listening to every word you say.
Drinks menu are on the wall.
Complimentary water, self service.
Machiato ~ Fei Yan said this was good: KAO enough!
Hot Mocha ~ I told the girl that I don't want too much coffee. I took a sip i had to ask for milk to counteract the strong coffee. Then this cute barista step into the counter, I asked him to pour away some coffee to make way for the milk. No I am not finding an excuse to talk with him. He said I should have ask for one shot, I said I asked for lesser coffee. He said lesser coffee its still 2 shot just lesser. I said where were you just now :D
The girls that were fidgeting with the machine making my coffee didn't do it properly.
The plain croissant is really good with butter, they toasted it before serving. The chocolate croissant I don't like. Tasted funny, chocolate in bread is an odd thing, it's like a boy wearing skirt or strawberry jam on corn. Please be warned that the tinsy-winsy piece of butter cost RM 1. I found out after I ordered a second piece of croissant. I complained that I was already charged once why another RM 1. She said it is supposed to be RM 1 PER PIECE and she actually did me a favor by only charging me RM 2 despite me refilling many times and it is stated in the sign. What sign?? Then she pulled out the sign which is super small that you probably miss once you stared at the croissants. ARGH!@!@!@@#!!!#!@#$ If you are going to charge me RM 1 per piece, please be decent enough to give me a considerable size and not that kuci rat size which is not even enough for 1/4 of the bread.

Apple Crumble ~ Fei Yan said this was really good. He finished the whole thing himself without leaving a tiny piece for me. HAHA. I don't eat apple so he can have it allll!
The bakery here is pretty decent, I like my croissant but the drink not at all. The croissant is not enough to make me want to come back to this shoddy place. I don't like how they charge RM 1 per piece for butter alone, to me it's ridiculous. Boycott!
Butter N Beans
BG-1 Happy Mansion,
Jalan 17/13, 46400 Petaling Jaya.
03-7932 2556
Monday to Sunday: 8.30am to 8.30pm